Uninsured services are services provided by our doctors NOT covered by Alberta Health Care.
Here are a few of our more commonly requested services by patients. Our full Fee code guide is displayed within the clinic at numerous locations. Please be aware GST will be added if applicable
Doctors Note/Work Absence - $40.00
Liquid Nitrogen treatment - $20.00
Ear Flush - $20.00
Special Authorization Forms - $50.00
No show for a regular appointment - $60.00
No show for a full complete physical - $165.00
Out of Country office visit - $200.00 plus the cost of supplies ($100)
Office visit (no healthcare card) - $60
Quebec Office visit -$70
Drivers Medical class 1-4 - $200 - only bookable with your family doctor
Drivers Medical class 5 - $100 - only bookable with your family doctor
Medical Legal forms or Reports for completion by doctor - start at $150 upward depending on complexity of form
Here are a few of our more commonly requested services by patients. Our full Fee code guide is displayed within the clinic at numerous locations. Please be aware GST will be added if applicable
Doctors Note/Work Absence - $40.00
Liquid Nitrogen treatment - $20.00
Ear Flush - $20.00
Special Authorization Forms - $50.00
No show for a regular appointment - $60.00
No show for a full complete physical - $165.00
Out of Country office visit - $200.00 plus the cost of supplies ($100)
Office visit (no healthcare card) - $60
Quebec Office visit -$70
Drivers Medical class 1-4 - $200 - only bookable with your family doctor
Drivers Medical class 5 - $100 - only bookable with your family doctor
Medical Legal forms or Reports for completion by doctor - start at $150 upward depending on complexity of form